The Benefits of Being a Christian

Easy Points to Help You Witness in Times of Doubt and Anxiety

*(This list was originally published on March 17, 2020 and listed seven key benefits. Since its original posting in 2020, the Lord has made it clear I was missing a huge addition that needed to be added as you’ll see below.

As a part of our weekly, pre-social distancing routine, I was voice memoing a friend yesterday and our topic of choice was witnessing to those who are struggling to believe God is good when so many things are going bad. As I sat reflecting on that conversation, one of the questions that came to mind was “what are the benefits of being a Christian?” If I were to interact right now with someone who didn’t know Jesus, how would I explain the importance and advantages of having a relationship with our Lord and Savior?

While it may feel like a very heavy subject to broach, as Christians, we were MADE for the hard questions and intentional interactions about God’s character and why we believe what we believe. Our conversations about faith during times of doubt and confusion are opportunities to put our belief in Christ on display for those who need to know His love.

Because nothing makes us feel the weight of our need for a Savior quite like walking through situations we can’t control or are too heavy for us to carry alone.

In times of panic and chaos (like the current COVID-19 outbreak), Christians have the best, maybe even the easiest, opportunity to be a witness to those around them, and show them why having a strong faith is a necessity for living, rather than just a half-hearted option (something we say we believe but don’t actively live out) or a legalistic lifestyle for those who might like rules or being told what to do. Christians have the chance to act differently, to be set apart in a sea of confusion and to be a pillar of peace and hope in the winds of the unknown. But we need to be prepared for our mission. We can’t show up to a conversation or intentional interaction haphazardly. We need to have our witness, our testimony and talking points, ready when God gives us the opportunity to be a vessel for Him.

There are major benefits of being a child of God in a life full of never-ending highs and lows. Here are the eight advantages of being a Christian to easily reference when witnessing to others.

8 Benefits of Being a Christian

  1. Wisdom and discernment (especially when everyone has a differing opinion)

    Have you ever felt so bombarded with messages and opinions that you struggle to know how to move forward? Yeah, that’s a silly question because in the age of constant connection through social media we face that conundrum every single day. However, as Christians, we have access to the trifecta of wisdom: The presence of the Holy Spirit that fills us, the endless teachings and practices for living in the Bible, and direct access to the creator of the Universe through prayer. James 1:5 says “if any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” It doesn’t say “God might if He feels like it,” it says it will be given to you. As Christians, we have resources to find discernment and make good choices even in a world where everyone is shouting their opinion.

  2. The standard for service above self

    What sets (the majority of) Christians and the Church apart from the world is the call to help others in times of need. I’m not saying we all get it right 100 percent of the time, but a belief in Christ means acknowledging our belief in the two greatest commandments: to love God and love others. Christians have a standard of service above self because we believe we are called to show kindness to others because Christ first showed the ultimate kindness to us - His sacrifice on the cross. Service is our greater purpose as Christians, and it’s the driving force behind many of our decisions to help others in times of need.

  3. The foundational belief that all situations (even bad ones) can be used for a greater purpose

    One of my favorite benefits of being a Christian is that I can view every situation, whether good or bad, with a perspective of how God might use it for my benefit, or the benefit of someone around me. Romans 8:28 says “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” In all things, the good and bad, God is able to use each situation for our good. Whether that’s to bless us, grow us through hardship and perseverance, or just use our situation to display the miracles or works of God, the Lord uses each situation for our greater good. For example, in John chapter 9, we see Jesus explain to His disciples why a young man was born blind. It wasn’t because his parents sinned or the boy sinned (as the disciples originally assumed) but so “the works of God might be displayed in him.” (John 9:1-3). As Christians, we can view our challenges, hurts, and hardships as opportunities for the works of God to be displayed through us. Even in hard times, we can be miracle seekers, people who commit to finding the good in even the darkest of situations because God is constantly weaving things together for His glory.

  4. Peace in times of trouble and confusion

    The Lord doesn’t just give us hope for a better future, He actively wants us to come to Him when we’re feeling anxious and needing peace. 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to cast our anxiety on the Lord because He cares for us. Philippians 4:6-7 tells us how to obtain the unexplainable peace from Jesus that can guard our hearts and minds. Even in the times when it won’t make sense HOW we’ll feel peace in the midst of uncertain or scary circumstances, we WILL receive peace because the Lord will give it to us. As Christians, we can’t avoid all stressful or bad situations, but we can find peace in the midst of them when we ask the Lord for help.

  5. The constant presence and opportunity to commune with a very active and real God

    People pay good money to receive help from the top mentors, coaches, service providers in our day and age. And most of the time, they only get limited access to the person or business, and sometimes just pre-recorded messages and resources, not even the ability to communicate with them directly. However, as Christians, we have CONSTANT access to God. We can talk to Him from wherever we are, whenever we want. When Jesus died on the cross, He tore the literal veil in the temple that was previously separating God and man. Because of His sacrifice, we have direct access to the God of the universe and are never alone.

  6. Forgiveness of past and future sins

    Okay, friends. I know these last two points are at the end of the list but they’re the MOST IMPORTANT. Sure, the first five points are an easy, friendly sell to people who are young in their faith or are agnostic, but they don’t hit to the heart about what being a Christian means. One of the main benefits of being a Christian is knowing with certainty that Christ’s sacrifice on the cross means that all of your sins are forgiven; past, present, and future. You are never too far gone that He can’t reconcile you with Him. When we confess our sins to Christ and ask Him into our hearts, we are made new. We receive mercies that are new every morning. We don’t have to bear the weight of the wrongdoings that we’ve accumulated throughout our lives. When we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we’re invited to nail our sin to the cross and walk with Him. And when we mess up in the future (which we will), He will be right there with us, inviting us to lay our sin down at His feet and realign our paths with Him once again. What a joy to know that we are not defined by our mistakes or missteps and can be called worthy children of the King!

  7. Eternity in heaven

    One of the most talked about advantages (with good reason) of being a Christian is our set eternity in heaven. Believers and non-believers alike have long argued about the details and intricacies about heaven and hell, but regardless of where we land on the spectrum, as Christians, we believe that we will be united with Christ after death. In the Bible, Jesus says “God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) He also says as His followers we will have eternal life, not eternal punishment (Matthew 25:46). Knowing that our future is secure while acknowledging this earth is not our home is one of the greatest benefits of being a Christian. Even in the midst of the unknown, we have a foundational pillar to lean on and place our faith.

  8. Freedom this side of heaven

    Number eight wasn’t originally on this list because honestly, I didn’t see it in my own life at the time. Even though I had Jesus in my heart, I still wrestled spiritually with several issues that kept me in bondage, shame and fear being the heaviest. But the Bible is clear. Jesus came to set the captives FREE (Luke 4:18). That doesn’t mean we have to settle for a life full of hangups, holding only to the hope that it will someday be better in heaven. We have access to a life of freedom now! Thanks to godly mentors, resources on spiritual deliverance, and a new understanding of my identity as a beloved daughter of God (sonship), I can truly say I no longer struggle with the issues that the enemy used throughout my life to keep me from walking in freedom.

As we walk through the unknown years to come, I invite you to reflect on my personal list of benefits of being a Christian, and add to it to create your own list for your witness. Let’s ask God to give us the wisdom to truly own and hone our beliefs and then send us, His forever changed children, to be vessels to lead others to Christ.

Joyful Takeaway: Christians have the chance to act differently, to be set apart in a sea of confusion and to be a pillar of peace and hope in the winds of the unknown.